
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Health Professionals Speak!


. . . About "Why Shaklee"

The #1 Natural Nutrition Company in U.S.

You know how passionate I am on the topic of supplementing your diet with Shaklee's food supplements.  I thought it may be helpful to give you some fresh perspectives from objective medical professionals. 
Below are some awesome testimonials from reputable health care professionals on the value of Shaklee supplementation.  

**In addition, 

I have included a link from the "Food Matters" blog on the subject of Doctors speaking out on how Vitamins are Safe and Effective!  Check it out at:

DR. Neil Padgett, M.D.
Internal Medicine
Glen Burnie, Maryland
“The reason that I have recommended only Shaklee to my patients is that I have clinical, peer-reviewed data included in the catalog that I can refer to. You have to have good clinical studies, good double-blind peer-reviewed studies in order to evaluate a product. As a medical professional, that’s the only thing that I’ll listen to. Except for Shaklee, I’m not aware of anyone who’s
done in-depth studi es. It’s the only company I’ve seen do it and that’s why it’s the only company I can professionally recommend.”

DR. Steve Chaney, PH.D.
Professor of Nutrition, Biochemistry & Biophysiology
University of North Carolina Medical School
“One of the biggest mistakes people make is taking inexpensive vitamins. Mail
order vitamins offering fantastic “deals” are worth just about what you pay for
them. NEVER buy these vitamins or supermarket/pharmacy brands without
checking them out first. Cut-rate products often contain additives, food
allergens, sugar, artificial food coloring and flavoring. Many are coated with
shellac or contain potentially hazardous chemicals like chlorine. Shaklee
performs up to 176 separate tests for purity, freshness, potency, and safety on
the raw ingredients for a single product. Products undergo as many as 262
separate quality assurance tests throughout the manufa cturing proc ess as well.
In addition, all product label claims have docum ented substantiation.”

DR. Linda Rodriguez, M.D.
Virginia Beach, VA
“As a physician and pediatrician, I dema nd scientific validation of the products
I use in my practice. Smart supplementation today means taking the right
amounts with the right formulation, and Shaklee has made it so easy for us to
do that now. For over 25 years, Shaklee has been a blessing for me, my family,
and my patients who have all benefitted from scientifically proven products for
quality health and healthy living. Our food today is so deficient in nutrients
because of what we have done to it. It is no longer the same food that nature
offered to us. For my fellow physicians who are looking into incorporating
nutrition in their practice, I encourage you to consider using Shaklee's quality
health products that you can trust and recom mend with full confidence."

DR. Myron Winick, M.D.

Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons

“Shaklee Products are very well tested both from a standpoint of efficacy and
safety. I consider Shaklee’s study of bone loss and their [Vita-L ea] product’s
relationship to bone loss not only important from a standpoint o f their product,
but important from a standpoint o f the scientific community’s understanding
of bone loss. . . . I think it’s very impressive that the Shaklee scientists are
willing not necessarily to go with the flow, but rather to go with the science.”

DR. R. Annette Dickinson, Ph.D.
Council for Responsible Nutrition
“You need to select a manufacturer that you can trust. Unfortunately, there
are some unscrupulous entrepreneurs out there who will try anything and who
are marketing street drug knock-offs or recreational drugs under the name of
dietary supplements. One of our biggest problems today is that there are some
small manufacturers on the fringes of the industry who make products that
don’t meet necessary standards and gives a black eye to the whole industry.
Quality companies, companies like Shaklee Corporation, are making a stand
for quality produc ts and for truthf ul informatio n and we believe that is very

DR. R. William Soller, Ph.D.
Consumer Health Care Products Association
“Shaklee is a very important force at the forefront in terms of helping to
cultivate the field of self-care."

Forouz Ertl
Botanicals International [one of the world’s leading suppliers of raw materials to major manufacturers world-wide]
“Shaklee has some rigorous standards that they actually initiated in the
industry. . . . Shaklee is definitely our pickiest and most strict customer. They
are very demanding, and they have specifications beyond and above the
specifications set by our other customers. I think for a lot of customers, price
is an issue when they are choosing bota nicals, but I wish they had the awareness
about the quality of the botanicals and the quality of the brand before they
make their decisions. I tell my friends, that if they want to buy quality, they
have to buy Shaklee.”

DR. Christopher Scott, M.D.
Saskatoon, Canada
"Supplements are absolutely crucial due to the quality of our soil and food
today. There are a lo t of different supplements available on the market, but
labels do not ac curately reflect contents. Over the past ten years, I have been
using Shaklee supplements for personal use, as well as confidently
recommending the m to my patients."

DR. Kathy Wickens, D.C.
Perth, Ontario
"Patients get results with Shaklee! There is a definite difference in the holding
patterns for chiropractic adjustments for patients taking Shaklee supplements."

Tak-Sing Tang
Registered Pharmacist
Athens, Georgia
" In my 30 years practice of pharmacy, I have not found any other company that
can even come close to the standard of excellence as that of Shaklee. I have
learned through the years that proper nutrition is the key to getting well and
staying healthy, and that medication is not the answer to the increasing health
disasters that we are facing. Over the past few decades more and more drugs
have been recalled and or withdraw from the market due to damaging side
effects, including death. I have watched patients start out taking 1 or 2
medications, then years later taking 10 to 20 or more beca use drugs ma inly
treat the symptoms while harming/destroying other vital organs. I could only
recommend medication for short term usage, and that any chronic issues be
addressed through proper nutrition and supplementation. After learning the
superior quality of Shaklee and their vigorous testing process, as well as seeing
how effectively these vitamins and supplements have benefited our family and
friends, I eagerly recommend Sha klee products for everyone."

Charlene Day
Registered Nutritional Consultant
Toronto, Ontario
"I have been in practice for over 26 years and have used many brands of
supplements, including professional brands. About 7 years ago, I was given
information about the Shaklee Corporation. I was impressed when I read that
over 100 research studies and articles about Shaklee products were published
in prestigious nutritional and medical journals. Wanting the best for my clients,
I started recommending Shaklee supplements. I was amazed at the results. My
clients experienced a level of wellness far exceeding anything I had experienced
in the previous 19 years."

DR. Frank Painter, D.C.
La Grange, Illinois
"I was first introduced to Shaklee in March of 1997. Previously, I had been
taking supplements and felt ‘reassured’ that I was doing the right thing for my
health. I was challenged to try the Shaklee wellness program, and within a
month I noticed significant improvements in my energy , endurance, a nd overall
health. Since that time I have whole-heartedly recommended Shaklee products
to my patients."

Harry Shurley

Registered Pharmacist

Augusta, Georgia
“Why do I take Shaklee vitamins when I can get others as samples for free?
From a pharmacist's view, you have to look at the clinical research that is done
by Shaklee. While writing a book on prenatal nutrition, [my collaborator and
I] requested clinical studies from the makers of prenatal vitamins and no major
company, except Shaklee, could provide us with any studies! Also, the Shaklee
vitamins are natural as opposed to the synthetic prenatal vitam ins available in
drug stores. There are so many reasons why I take Shaklee over the vitamins
I could get from pharmace utical companies. But the ma in reason is because
the Shaklee vitamins produce results!”

DR. Christiane Northrup, M.D.
author of Health Wisdom for Women
. . . states that Shaklee's Vita-Lea is the best pre-natal vitamin she has found.
She never has problems with her patients becoming anemic like many of her
colleagues do. The cost of Vita-Lea is. . . a small price to pay for so much
nutritional insurance. “It is so important for adults and children to take a
Vita-Lea (multi) tablet twice a day in order to fill in the gaps in the diet and to
give your body everything it needs for healing and repair (which takes place
while you sleep). People who think they eat ‘very well’ are surprised to find out
that minerals and trace minerals are very low in supermarket fo ods, due to early
harvesting, transporting , and storage. Of all the vitamins on the market,
Shaklee supplements are different. Vita-Lea is made primarily from
organically-grown vegetable sources, cold-processed to preserve enzymes, and
contains exactly what the label states. Not only that, all Shaklee supplements
are clinically tested to make sure that what is on the label is actually absorbed.”

Rusty & June Ost
Registered Pharmacists
Cape Coral, Florida
"Twenty-five years ago, Shaklee was the only company that responded to our
request for clinical studies that back up their specific products. Now 25 years
later, Shaklee is still the industry leader in scientifically-based double-blind
clinical studies, and they publish those studies in peer-reviewed journals.
Because we are scientists and healthcare professionals, this is what we expect.
Why should anyone else expect less?"

Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Court Whist" Card Party!

There is nothing like gathering a group of friends together to play cards.  It is good for the soul and at the same time it sharpens the mind.

Last November, my husband and I attended the largest fundraiser at our kid's school - the Totino Grace High School Winter Place Auction.  We bid on the "Court Whist" Card Party, along with 24 other people, in the silent auction.  

What is "Court Whist" you ask?  

Originally, this game was played by royalty in the 18th and 19th century.  It might sound boring but it certainly is not, especially when you have so many interesting friends.  It is similar to bridge because it involves four players broken into teams of two, however, it is MUCH EASIER to play.  

The hosts of this card party served food and beverages as well as snacks on the tables - Yum, Yum.  Six tables of four were set up because we had 24 people playing that night.  You can have more or less people playing just so there are multiples of four.  Each table was assigned a number. To begin the game, every player randomly picked a number and that was the table where they would start the game with a partner.  

This is a FUN and EASY game because you keep rotating tables and partners.  It is a great mixer.  If you keep losing, you could end up sitting at the same table all night but at least you change your partners.  Because this game allows for lots of conversation, it is important to keep things moving or you could be playing all night.  

There are two games being played at this large table - Looks like a lot of conversation as well.  

They look a little too serious, don't you think?

The last three rounds (12 hands)  I ended up at the same table.  Still had fun though.

If you are looking to host your own "Court Whist" Card party, below are the rules of the game and the tally sheet.  Grab a drink and enjoy the night!

Click here to get a copy of this tally sheet.

  1. The Deal

    • The dealer deals in a clockwise fashion, and the player to the dealer's left leads the first round, or "trick." Any card may be led (following the theme of the round) and the other players must, working clockwise around the playing table, play a card according to the lead card. If the player has a card of the same suit (spade to spade, hearts to hearts etc.) he must play that card, if he does not, he can play any card.

    The Win

    • A player wins a trick by placing the highest trump (face card) in it. If there is no clear trump, the winner is determined by the highest card of the suit originally led. Aces are high.  Once determined, the winner will lead the next round of play.

    The Score

    • Scoring court whist is determined after all 13 tricks have been played.   Don't forget to mark your score on the section that was just played.   When four games have been played the scores are added for that first round. 

      "Winners Walk - Losers Stay"

      The winners of the game "WALK" to the next table and then play the losers of that table.  You cannot have the same partner in the next round (next four games).  The "LOSERS" always stay at the same table and then play the next round (four games) with a new partner.  

      The game continues until all six rounds (four games in each round) are played - See the Tally sheet for details.  

Friday, April 6, 2012

What toxins are you using around your house? You can save $3,499 - Interested?

In honor of Earth Day, take a few minutes and watch this Canadian news segment called Toxic Brew.  It could change your life!

How many different household products have you used in the past week? Do you know what's in them? Are they safe? What about the possible negative effects upon your health? And... how much do they damage the earth?

I know you'll want to read this issue of Making a Difference!. Just look at what you'll find this month:

From the very beginning, the Shaklee Philosophy incorporated the belief that a healthy lifestyle also includes keeping our planet healthy and safe, as well.

If you haven't already, take a giant step toward environmental responsibility by replacing all of the cleaners in your home with safe Get Clean household products and learn How to save $3,499!
In addition, great information on your “second” circulatory system...
Did you know that you have a "second" circulatory system that's almost as important as the massive network of arteries, veins and capillaries fed by your heart? In fact... it's so important that if it was shut down for just 24 hours, the resulting trapped blood proteins and excess fluids would be fatal! 

Learn all about this vital body system and how you can keep it healthy.

Plus... A heart surgeon speaks out... and... The "heart" of the lymphatic system...


Super stains need Get Clean... 
What are the worst stains and cleaning problems you encounter? Grease? Motor oil? Ground-in dirt? Carpet stains from pets? Whatever it is, you can find a safe, biodegradable answer! 

So what are your worst cleaning chores? Find them... and the Shaklee solution in this newsletter.

Also featuring… 
10 great reasons to use... Nature Bright!
Nature Bright Laundry Booster & Stain Remover is probably the least "glamorous" of the Get Clean line of products. Yet this remarkable formulation will make your laundry chores much, much easier. other "green" products on the market.

To read about these important subjects in this edition of Making a Difference!, click here

Once you've read these articles, its easy to order the featured products! Just visit

To learn more about...
- health, nutrition and fitness
- cleaning products that are safe for you and for our planet
- natural skin, personal and beauty care
- air and water filtration
- how you can work part-time for a full-time income... from the comfort of your home

...just email me at
 and start receiving our FREE NEWSLETTERS & REPORTS.

P.S. If you know anyone who would benefit by receiving Making a Difference! Newsletters, please forward their first name and email address to 
and I will make sure they get their FREE COPY each month.