
Friday, August 31, 2012

Daily Affirmations and Prayers

I recently came across a piece of paper of daily affirmations that I had received many years ago at a conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota.   There were many motivational speakers at this conference and this is where I first heard Zig Ziglar speak.  He was such a dynamic speaker who stressed the power of our words and how they can effect our lives either positively or negatively.  He spoke on the importance of living a life of integrity, honesty, faith and strong personal character.  Zig gave a copy of his daily affirmations to everyone at the conference and challenged us to say these out loud each day and night in front of the mirror and see how our lives would change.

I started out following Zig's plan but then transitioned to more personal affirmations and prayers of my own.  I say these out load in my car or when I go on my walks in the park every day.  What has become apparent is that these daily prayers and affirmations have taken on more meaning the older I get and especially when I send my children off as they have become more independent.  My relationship with God is such a comfort to me and saying these words daily puts me in the right frame of mind.  I would highly recommend you incorporate this daily practice into your life.

Below are some of my daily affirmations and prayers that I will share with you.  Initially, I wrote these down on recipe cards and taped them to my bathroom mirror but now I have them imbedded into my heart so that I can say them anytime and anywhere.  I also wrote some of these sayings on cards for my kids and taped them on their bathroom mirrors.  I would like to think that when they were having difficult times  in their lives that these affirmations and prayers were a comfort to them as well.  Hopefully, they will incorporate this practice into their daily lives.

My Daily Affirmations and Prayers

* I am a child of the most high God and I have His Favor and His Purpose for my life.

* I enjoy healthy relationships with my husband - Tony, my children - Tony Jr., Allie and Andrew, my family and friends.

* I am intelligent and continue to learn.

* I have great health and vitality.

* Doors of opportunity continue to open for me and my family.

* I thank you God in advance - for you and your angels protection over our family spiritually, mentally and physically.   

* I have God's supernatural wisdom and a clear direction for my life.

* My circle of influence is increasing.

* I help people obtain better health and more wealth with my Shaklee business. 

- these are just some of what I say each day -

I will give you the affirmations that I received from Zig Ziglar  in the next post.  Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The "REAL" Truth on Soy!

There is clear evidence that SOY PROTEIN IS ONE OF THE BEST FOODS to include in our daily diets.

A press release on December 9, 2009, in the Journal of the American Medical Association (by researchers at Vanderbilt University and Shanghai Institute of Preventative Medicine) announced results from a study that proved women who consumed soy foods decreased their risk of dying from breast cancer and also reduced their risk of breast cancer recurrence.  The results were clear -

* Breast cancer survivors with highest soy intake had 25% less chance of breast cancer recurrence and 25% less chance of dying from breast cancer with lower soy intake.

* The effect was just as strong for women with estrogen receptor-positive and estrogen receptor-negative cancers, for early stage and late stage breast cancer and for pre- and post-menopausal women.

* The study also showed that soy protein intake did not interfere with tamoxifen.  The reduction in risk of breast cancer recurrence and death was just as great whether the breast cancer survivors were taking tamoxifen or not.  Actually, tamoxifen was protective only for women with low soy intake.

What You Need to Know About Soy! 

by Dr. Richard Brouse
(Below are remarks made at a seminar by Dr. Brouse)

 **Dr. Brouse is a widely recognized authority in the fields of nutrition and prevention of chronic degenerative diseases.  Dr. Brouse has a Masters in Biochemistry and is a Doctor of Chiropractic as well as a certified clinical nutritionist, teacher, author and lecturer. He was an Associate Professor of Clinical Nutrition for 14 years and founded the renowned Sunnyside Health Center in Clackamas, Oregon in 1977.  His knowledge is very broad and he continues researching and tabulating results using Shaklee in his extensive nutrition practice.

The Essential Seven Checklists for a Quality Soy Product -
(Shaklee meets all of these seven!)

Do not purchase soy powders and expect them to produce positive health results unless you know that the following "Essential Seven" quality controls have been met by the manufacturer:

1)  Were the soybeans ORGANICALLY GROWN?
Studies have shown decreased levels of food nutrients and increased levels of nitrates in chemically fertilized crops, when compared with their organic counterparts.  There is a connection between the ingestion of nitrates and CANCER!  Therefore, it is important to know that pesticides, fungicides and herbicides have not been used during the growing process.  In particular, with soybeans, since they are such a hardy plant, a powerful and DEADLY weed spray called Round-Up is usually used.  For your safety, you must know that your soy products are organically grown.

2)  Were the soybeans GENETICALLY ENGINEERED?  
Genetically engineered soybeans are much cheaper to purchase and most companies producing soy products look for ways to save money.

3)  Does your soybean powder contain ALL of the nine essential amino acids?
One of the most valuable features of the soybean is that it is a complete protein and provides ALL nine of the essential amino acids.  The body requires these daily to produce hormones, digestive juices, antibodies and enzymes.  However, NOT ALL SOYBEANS ARE CREATED EQUAL.  Quality and amino acid content will vary based on soil conditions and variable growing and harvest conditions.  If one essential amino acid is missing, the immune system can be depressed 30% and many important body functions are delayed or stopped.  Therefore, it is essential that each batch of soybeans be checked for amino acid content if we want to depend on the soy isolate to provide a GUARANTEED supply of the nine essential amino acids.

4)  Were the crushed soy flakes washed in alcohol or water?
Alcohol washing destroys isoflavone content up to 88%!  It is the isoflavones that reduce the risk of breast, prostrate, lung and bowel cancer!  As well, it is the isoflavones that are so beneficial in hormone balancing and increasing bone mass.

5)  Was the "anti-thyroid", "anti-growth" substance in the raw soy removed?
Asians, who have consumed large amounts of soy for years, have known that RAW soy contains an "anti-growth", "anti-tyrosine" substance.  Tyrosine deficiency will cause low blood pressure, low body temperature and restless leg syndrome.  Therefore, Asians always slightly cook their soy foods to deactivate the "anti-tyrosine/anti-growth" substance.  Shaklee has designed an extracting process that removes this substance, yet keeps the soy in a raw form in order to maintain the highest level of amino acids and isoflavones, which are sensitive to heat.

6)  Is your soybean food RAW or heated?
Amino acids are very sensitive to heat.  In some studies, cooking protein has been shown to destroy up to 50% of some of the Essential Amino Acids.  If an individual consistently consumes a diet that is lacking in all of the essential amino acids, inadequate brain development and hormones or other body tissue development can be the result.

7)  Has CALCIUM been added to your soy powder?
Some negative reports about soy say that soy powders are VERY ACIDIC and cause bone loss because it causes calcium to be drawn from the bones.  The raw soybean is a neutral food -- neither acidic or alkaline.  However, the removal of the soybean oil (which is essential so the soy powder will not go rancid very quickly), makes the powder very acidic.  Therefore, adequate calcium (which is very alkaline) must be added to cause the powder to be neutral again, or it can cause the above stated problem.  Many protein powder manufacturers do not add any or enough calcium.

Common Concerns About Soy

Do soybeans cause cancer?
Is it true that “overcooked” soy does contain “carcinogenic” compounds? When soy is extruded through high temperature,
high-pressure steam nozzles to form what is called “textured vegetable protein - TVP for short”, this form of processing
renders the soy “meat substitute” carcinogenic or cancer causing. TVP is what is used in soy dogs and soy burgers, and should be avoided.

What about roasted soybeans?
Whole soybeans are high in plant fat. If soybeans are roasted to eat as soy nuts, the heat alters the fat and makes it a
trans-fatty acid, which causes both cancer and heart disease. As roasted soy nuts sit on the shelf or in the cupboard in
storage, the oils are becoming more and more rancid and carcinogenic. AVOID roasted soybeans.

But Iʼve heard that soy protein is hard on the kidneys!
Animal protein is much harder to digest than vegetable protein. Since many people have digestive difficulties, protein that is not thoroughly digested is very challenging to the kidneys. Powdered protein is in a predigested state, and the BEST protein source to choose! Protein is not the enemy - it is essential for life. It is true, however, that excessive protein is hard on the kidneys, so if a person consumes more than 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily, AND does not consume adequate carbohydrates with it, this could cause kidney damage.

I've had breast cancer and been told I cannot have soy!
It is true that soy is a “phytoestrogen” food, which means it contains substances that have hormone-like components.

As you can see from the above information, you can have great confidence in the Shaklee Soy Protein products.

However, their estrogen strength is 1/1000th that of the bodyʼs own stronger estrogens. Therefore, you want to load your digestive system with quality controlled raw soy powder, because these weaker estrogens will block the estrogen receptor sites from receiving your body's own strong estrogens and therefore be very protective against estrogen fed cancer.


Click on the link below to get more answers on your questions about soy protein.  These are comments the Shaklee Health Sciences e-bulletin

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Transform your Life!

Having a little fun at the Nutrition booth.
Tony and I just got back from an amazing few days at the 2012 Shaklee Convention in Las Vegas.  We are so proud to be part of such a great company that is the #1 Natural Nutrition Company in the U.S.  You can't even imaging how cool it is to be in a room with thousands of people that share the same love of Shaklee and are passionate about helping others have better health and more wealth.  

Here are some friends that we reconnected with at the convention.

Here I am with Dr. Stephen Chaney and his wife, Suzanne.  I danced the night away with them in the Bahamas.  Such a sweet and fun couple.

The theme of the convention was Transformation.  We all were challenged to create a Transformational Action Plan for ourselves and to help others do the same.  The Cinch Loss program is a great place to start for those who want to lose weight and have better health.  

The great news is that Shaklee's Transformation Pack (Buy 3 months and get the 4th month free) has been extended through November 30th.  You can even join the Cinch Challenge and win $$$.  

Healthy Weight

Click this link to learn more: 

Tony lost 25 lbs using the Cinch products and has kept them off for many years. 

Here we are at the Cinch booth after we checked our own BMI's.

Make this your year for amazing transformations - to your health, your business and your life.

Going to the Shaklee conventions is like a BIG (6,000 attendees this year) Family Reunion!  Next year we are going to Nashville, wouldn't you like to come with us?  
Let us know  Check out this video - Shaklee Videos: 2013 Shaklee Global Conference in Nashville

Sunday, August 5, 2012

It's Medical Monday!

This is a new venture for me but I am joining a BlogHop for the first time and invite you to follow or participate.  I am posting some notes from Your Doctor's Wife who actually initiated this BlogHop.  

What's a BlogHop, you ask?

A bloghop is a link up where bloggers can link up their blogs and find other blogs which peak their interest to follow. 

Don't have a blog? 

No worries, just be sure to stop and find some new favorite reads!

Who can link up? 

You can be a doctor, nurse, EMT, therapist, Vet, anything in the medical field.
You can be a med student or nursing student, or simply a student with aspirations to work in the medical field.
Are you and intern? Resident? Come on and link up!
Spouses and SOs? Come on down!!

If you're not sure, shoot me an email at

Time to link up your medical/med life blog! 

Here are the rules: 

1.  Follow your co-hosts. 

2.  Link up your medical/med life blog. If your blog name does not clearly state how you fit in to the med/med life world, please write a little intro or link up a specific post which clearly demonstrates your connection. 

3.  Visit at least 3 other link ups! 

4.  Help spread the word by using our button on your post or sidebar, tweet about Medical Monday, or spread the word on Facebook! The more the merrier for all of us! 

Complete step one by following your co-hosts: 

Emma at Your Doctor's Wife 
Jane at From A Doctor's Wife 
Sally & Tiffany at Doctors' Wives Living 
Kris at The Dawkter's Wife 
Amber at The Unconventional Doctor's Wife

Friday, August 3, 2012

Americans deserve to know what is in the their FOOD.

Americans deserve to know what is in the food that they purchase at the grocery store and that includes if a food is Genetically Engineered.  Did you know that in over 49 countries around the world there is mandatory labeling of GMO foods?  And did you also know that in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Japan and 27 countries in Europe GMO foods are banned?  Isn't it time for the United States to require mandatory GMO labeling?  NO human trials have been done to test the safety of GMO foods.   

Below is an amazing video of Robyn O'Brien who wrote the book, The Unhealthy Truth.  This is a mother's shocking investigation into the dangers of America's food supply and what we can do about it. 

Robyn talks about a sudden food allergy that her son had at breakfast one morning.   On a personal note, my own son had an unexplained allergic reaction. We had to rush him to the hospital and yet we have never discovered the cause of this response.  He ate a couple of slices of California Kitchen pizza and took a couple of Advil because he had sore muscles from his double sessions at football camp.  He had eaten the pizza and taken Advil previously, so why would he develop such a sudden severe reaction?  

This was a scary incidence and yet we are not alone.   Food allergies are on the rise at an alarming rate.  The Center for Disease Control has reported a 265% increase in the rate of hospitalizations related to food allergic reactions. 

Robyn asked the question, Is there something foreign in our foods that wasn't there when we were kids?  Listen to her explanation on the relationship of GMO's and poor health.  

Robyn also said that although none of us can do everything - all of us can do at least one thing and if we do one thing we can effect a remarkable change.  Leverage this one thing with something you are passionate about.  For me that is Shaklee!  

I am so passionate about the integrity of the Shaklee company and their philosophy of living in harmony with nature.   I grew up on these products (and the business) and so have my children.  I love the fact that I can feel confident that I am offering others products are Always Safe, Always Work and are Always Green.  We are helping people as well as the planet.  

What is your one healthy thing that you are doing for you and your planet?  Why not give Shaklee a try?  Changing brands could change your life! 

Below are some Shaklee Fun Facts:   

*Shaklee is the #1 Natural Nutritional Supplement Company in the U.S. 
*Organic farmers are not required to test their finished goods for pesticides and other chemicals.  That is why Shaklee goes beyond organic standards, they test for purity  (see next statement).  Shaklee tests every single ingredient in their products.  The specification book for Vita Lea alone is 3 inches thick and has 136 specifications. 
*Shaklee rejects approx. 1 million pounds worth of raw materials each year because these raw materials do not meet Shaklee’s high standards.  What is done with these rejected materials you ask?  Other nutritional companies whose standards are lower than Shaklee purchase them.
*Shaklee nutritional products are recognized by the government as FOOD.  Many nutrition companies are considered drug companies.
*Shaklee products are clinically tested in randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical tests conducted by independent laboratories such as Stanford, Harvard, Scripps Institute and George Washington University.  Hundreds of these test results have been published in professional, peer-reviewed medical journals such as: Journal of the American Medical Association, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, The Journal of the American Dietetic Association, The Journal of Applied of Physiology, The Journal of Cardiology and the The Journal of Nutrition.** 
   ** No other nutrition company has done this.  Some other companies cite clinical studies, but their own products have never been tested because it is not required by law.