
Friday, August 31, 2012

Daily Affirmations and Prayers

I recently came across a piece of paper of daily affirmations that I had received many years ago at a conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota.   There were many motivational speakers at this conference and this is where I first heard Zig Ziglar speak.  He was such a dynamic speaker who stressed the power of our words and how they can effect our lives either positively or negatively.  He spoke on the importance of living a life of integrity, honesty, faith and strong personal character.  Zig gave a copy of his daily affirmations to everyone at the conference and challenged us to say these out loud each day and night in front of the mirror and see how our lives would change.

I started out following Zig's plan but then transitioned to more personal affirmations and prayers of my own.  I say these out load in my car or when I go on my walks in the park every day.  What has become apparent is that these daily prayers and affirmations have taken on more meaning the older I get and especially when I send my children off as they have become more independent.  My relationship with God is such a comfort to me and saying these words daily puts me in the right frame of mind.  I would highly recommend you incorporate this daily practice into your life.

Below are some of my daily affirmations and prayers that I will share with you.  Initially, I wrote these down on recipe cards and taped them to my bathroom mirror but now I have them imbedded into my heart so that I can say them anytime and anywhere.  I also wrote some of these sayings on cards for my kids and taped them on their bathroom mirrors.  I would like to think that when they were having difficult times  in their lives that these affirmations and prayers were a comfort to them as well.  Hopefully, they will incorporate this practice into their daily lives.

My Daily Affirmations and Prayers

* I am a child of the most high God and I have His Favor and His Purpose for my life.

* I enjoy healthy relationships with my husband - Tony, my children - Tony Jr., Allie and Andrew, my family and friends.

* I am intelligent and continue to learn.

* I have great health and vitality.

* Doors of opportunity continue to open for me and my family.

* I thank you God in advance - for you and your angels protection over our family spiritually, mentally and physically.   

* I have God's supernatural wisdom and a clear direction for my life.

* My circle of influence is increasing.

* I help people obtain better health and more wealth with my Shaklee business. 

- these are just some of what I say each day -

I will give you the affirmations that I received from Zig Ziglar  in the next post.  Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!


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