
Thursday, November 10, 2011

How to follow blogs!

Another Follow Friday Blog for the "40 and Over" crowd!
You can follow this blog by clicking on the "40 and Over" button on the right side of page. 

Are you interested in joining the blogging world?  Here are some easy steps to follow other blogs and learn from them.

How do you follow a blog?  If you already have a account (free) then you just click on the Join us follow button.

But it you want to receive regular posts via email then enter your email address in the subscribe box.

I am looking for more followers so join in.


  1. Hi Pam! I'm your newest follower... I found you from Follow Friday 40 and Over. Loved the Bahamas post. Looks like you had a great time with your mom and sister. One of these days I hope to get there!

    Have a great week!

  2. Hi Pam,

    I am a new fan. I found you over at Java's 'Over 40 Blogger' List.

    I look forward to getting to know you through your blog posts. Hope you can stop by my blog when you get a chance. I post about all things related to being a grandma in mid-life, Peri-menopause, and newly retired.


  3. Appreciation for great content. I’m certainly glad I had taken the time to learn this.
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  4. Thanks for your feedback. I love to educate others on healthy living and enjoy learning from others as well.
