
Monday, September 17, 2012

A Life Changing Procedure!

I promised that I would post Zig Ziglar's daily affirmations that I received at a conference a few years ago.  They are excellent.  I printed these and then taped them to my bathroom mirror so that I see them every day.  Have a great day!

A Life-Changing Procedure!  
by Zig Ziglar

The eyes are the windows of the soul.  So, to the person you are capable of becoming, each evening, just before you go to bed, stand in front of the mirror alone and in the first-person, present tense, look yourself in the eye and repeat with passion and enthusiasm the first four paragraphs.  Repeat this process every morning and every evening from this day forward.  Within one week you will notice remarkable changes in our life.  After 30 days, choose the one paragraph that you feel needs the most work and repeat that every day.  

“I __________, am an honest, intelligent, organized responsible, committed, teachable person who is sober, loyal, and clearly understands that regardless of who signs my paycheck I am self-employed.  I am an optimistic, punctual, enthusiastic, goal-setting, smart working self-starter who is a disciplined, focused, dependable, persistent positive thinker with great self-control, and am an energetic and diligent team player and a hard worker who appreciates the opportunity my company and the free enterprise system offer me.  I am thrifty with my resources and apply common sense to my daily tasks. I take honest pride in my competence, appearance and manners, and am motivated to be and do my best so that my healthy self-image will remain on sold ground.  There are the qualities which enable me to manage myself and help give me employment security in a no-job-security world.

I __________, am a compassionate, respectful encourager who is a considerate, generous, gentle, patient, caring, sensitive, personable, attentive, fun-loving person.  I am a supportive, giving and forgiving, clean, kind, unselfish, affectionate, loving, family-oriented human being and I am a sincere and open-minded good listener and a good-finder who is trustworthy.  These are the qualities which enable me to build good relationships with my associates, neighbors, mate and family.

I ___________, am a person of integrity, with the faith and the wisdom to know what I should do and the courage and convictions to follow through.  I have the vision to manage myself and to lead others.  I am authoritative, confident and humbly grateful for the opportunity life offers me.  I am fair, flexible, resourceful, creative, knowledgeable, decisive and an extra-miler with a servant’s attitude who communicates well with others.  I am a consistent, pragmatic teacher with character and a finely-tuned sense of humor.  I am an honorable person and am balanced in my personal, family and business life, and have a passion for being, doing and learning more today so I can be, do and have more tomorrow.  

These are the qualities of the winner that I was born to be and I am fully committed to developing these marvelous qualities with which I have been entrusted.  Tonight I am going to sleep wonderfully well.  I will dream powerful, positive dreams.  I will awaken energized and refreshed; tomorrow’s going to be magnificent and my future is unlimited.  Recognizing , claiming and developing these qualities which I already have gives me a legitimate chance to be happier, healthier, more prosperous, more secure, have more friends, greater peace of mind, better family relationships and legitimate hope that the future will be even better.”  

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